There are trees here that stood before our forefathers came to this continent; there are brooks that will run as clear as on the day the first pioneer cupped his hand and drank from them. In this park, we shall conserve the pine, the redwood, the dogwood, the azalea, the rhododendron, the trout and the brush for the happiness of …
The Bounties of Nature
The greatest attack that has ever been launched against freedom of the individual is nearer the Americas than ever before. To meet that attack we must prepare beforehand — for preparing later may and probably would be too late. We must prepare in a thousand ways. Men are not enough. They must have arms. They must learn how to use …
The Way of Life
That way of life is menaced. We can meet the threat. We can meet it in the old frontier way. We can forge our weapons, train ourselves to shoot, meet fire with fire, and with the courage and the unity of the frontiersmen. It is our pride that in our country men are free to differ with each other and …